Thursday, September 11, 2008

An Angel named "Rusty"

An Angel named Rusty

by: Steffany Barton, RN

Sandra was a thirty something married mother of three who had been working as an administrative assistant for eight years. She missed her children during the day and found little satisfaction in her job, yet she felt chained to her position.

“The people there need me,” she explained. Besides, I wouldn’t be able to find a better position. I’m just stuck.”

I could clearly see her guardian angel standing behind her. He told me his name was “Rusty,” and asked me to introduce him.

As I did, he began talking. He lovingly remembered that many years ago, Sandra had dreamed of owning her own boutique store where she would carry the wares of local artisans. She even took business classes to avail herself to the training and resources that were within the community. She had written proposals, dreamed about floor plans, and even sketched some logos.

“Get out your colored pencils and sketch again. Your dreams have been on the shelf far too long. Please know that I will support you in greasing the wheels of your imagination. I will help you resuscitate your rusted pans.”

Sandra smiled. “It’s funny,” she began. “Yesterday I bought some colored pencils and stuck them in my purse. I really didn’t have a need for them, but I couldn’t seem to talk myself out of it.”

Rusty began to speak again. “You are always guided. The angels are asking you to pay attention to your gut feelings. You are nearing the completion of this phase of your life in favor of one that is more in line with your dreams. Please allow us to help you.”

Suddenly Sandra’s eyes lit up. “I remember so many things I thought I wanted to do. After the birth of my first child, I lost my nerve. I began to feel that I didn’t have the right to dream, and that duty must come first. I thought financial responsibility meant burden and drudgery. Now I’m so unhappy.”

“Please know that you can make the changes necessary to fulfill your heart’s desire. We will help you in taking slow steps toward your goals. We ask that you first use the colored pencils. In that way, you will reawaken your mind to the possibilities that are within you.”

Sandra’s face relaxed, and she breathed a sigh of relief. “You know, change is hard for me. But if I know that it doesn’t have to happen over night, and that I am supported, I’d be willing to go for it. I really don’t have anything more to lose. Thanks, Rusty. I’m glad to know your name and have you around.”

Rusty smiled and outstretched his wing. “I am always at your side. Please call on me every day. You are so loved.”

I thanked Sandra and her angels for their time and insights. She patted her purse and said, “I’ve got to get home. It sound like I’ve got some work that is long overdue.”

** Steffany Barton is a clairvoyant/clairaudient Reiki Master who holds a degree in Nursing. She works with the angelic and spirit realms on a full time basis. She can be reached for appointment at (913) 451-4567 or email at

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